Drum making is a sacred practice. The drum frees the mind, moves the body, is used in prayer and/or meditation, and is representative of the universal heartbeat! I am of the firm belief that everyone is called to the drum and should own a drum. Here at The Art of Soul Care, our drums are carefully hand made using a variety of skins. At any given time we may have deer, elk, horse. Each drum carries their own healing medicine. Our frames are steamed maple, with a line of new woods soon on the way, including cedar, and ash. Frames are available in a variety of sizes. Other hides are also available upon special request. Each drum made here is given a name, and also celebrated with an awakening ceremony. Please have a wander through our gallery to see what we presently have in stock.

If you do not find something that might suit your needs, please know that we also custom make drums – with your special needs in mind – and we also hold drum-making workshops. You can check out the events/workshops for the upcoming dates.

Drop us a line to talk about your drum! May you be called to the beat of peace, and toward songs of unity.

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